Did you know that modern psychology and medicine have recognized the connection between

difficult life situations, and transgenerational effects?

I’m Beatrix Tóth, individual family constellation facilitator.

If you’re stuck in a recurring or long-standing difficult life situation, we can resolve the root causes using the family constellation method.

Based on Bert Hellinger’s Approach

Discover the power of individual family constellation!


Recurring Patterns, Unresolved Issues in Your Life?

Have you been in situations where no matter how hard you try, you always end up in the same place? Whether it’s relationship struggles, workplace problems, or lack of inner peace, family constellation can help uncover deep, hidden forces. These are inherited patterns and energies that influence your present across generations.

What is Individual Family Constellation?

Individual family constellation is a method where we explore the dynamics of family systems. According to Bert Hellinger’s theory, we are all part of a larger whole—our family—and often carry burdens that are not even ours. In individual sessions, we look at the family dynamics to dissolve the blocks and stagnations. This gives you the chance to live freely and joyfully without being held back by shadows of the past.

Why It’s Worth Starting

What can you gain from our work together?


First, you’ll gain the courage to move forward and leave behind limiting family patterns. I’ll help you overcome feelings of helplessness and find your place within your family and life. The result of our work is growing confidence and a step out of stagnation.



Through individual family constellations, I’ll help you tap into your inner strength. Accepting the power that comes from your family opens new possibilities—whether it’s a new job, a happier relationship, or realizing a long-held dream—you’ll be able to take the necessary steps.


Joy of Life

By releasing transgenerational burdens, you’ll start seeing yourself differently: stronger, more determined, and focused. You’ll step out of toxic situations, experience more joy, and breathe freely again. Finally, the life you’ve always dreamed of begins!


Important Information

If you’d like to work on these changes with me, request a free short consultation. In this session, we’ll briefly discuss your challenges and explore the possibilities to see if we should proceed with our work together.

short introduction

About me

I first encountered family constellation 25 years ago, and it had a profound impact on me. By then, I had already participated in several self-awareness groups, worked with kinesiologists, and practiced yoga. But it was here that I first felt a heavy, burdensome memory lift within me. I also sensed that my family’s multi-generational pain and problems—things I had been carrying—were released. The experience was cathartic and liberating. Later, whenever I felt stuck in life, I returned to this method because it always guided me toward a better version of myself and a more loving reality.

When, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to learn the Hellinger method from Edina Góra, so I could help others, I immediately knew this was my path. Since then, I’ve lived by that intuition and certainty with every family constellation session. I’ve personally experienced the power of this method, the profound transformations it led me through, and I see the same in my clients.


In order to overcome the effects of painful wounds, you need to face the „inner dragon”—the unconscious burden you’re carrying.

Can someone become a completely different person than the one shaped by their trauma? Can we live freely, independent of old stories? These questions have intrigued me for many years.

I wouldn’t have ventured into teaching languages, language coaching, or individual consultations if I hadn’t personally experienced the power of change in my own life.

Life has taught me that we are never defined by our past, but the past can have a huge impact on every decision we make—until we recognize the underlying patterns and reasons.

I believe our ability to change, adapt, and grow is one of our most important traits, as it enables us to renew and create.

A Little Timeline
  • 2023 – Access Bars training
  • 2022 – Individual Family Constellation training – Edina Góra (Lélekkapu)
  • 2016 – Lemma-coaching – Coach training: Edit Wiesner, master coach
  • 2015 – The systemic view of Tarot and its symbols – Edina Góra (Lélekkapu)
  • 2010 – Dr. Kataria’s Laughter Yoga School: Hasya Yoga (Yogic laughter)
  • 2009 – Instituto Cervantes, Barcelona: DELE Superior – Spanish C2 proficiency
  • 2006 – Cambridge University: CELTA – English teaching qualification
  • 2005 – Qigong I. training – Edina Góra (Lélekkapu)
  • 2004-2005 – Prana-nadi I-II training – Ibolya Soós
  • 2004 – Kinesiology I. (One Brain) – Erzsébet Papp
  • 2003 – ITK Origo: Advanced English language exam
  • 2000-2005 – The Art of Self-Realization: Self-awareness course by Dr. Gábor Molnár, parapsychologist
  • 2002 – University of Szeged: Master’s degree in Communications
  • 1996 – University of Pécs: Master’s degree in Social Work
Deep Inner Work, Just You

Why choose individual sessions?


Deep personal work

In individual sessions, the full focus is on you and your story. There are no external distractions, so the deepest layers can be revealed more easily.


Safe space

Unlike group constellations, here we work with full confidentiality, which is especially important if you want to address sensitive, personal issues.



The pace and structure of the sessions are tailored entirely to your needs. There’s no rush—just you and your inner world, where you can move freely.


How We Work Together

How does an individual family constellation session unfold?


What makes individual sessions different from group ones

Unlike in group sessions, in individual constellations, it’s just the two of us and the objects that help illustrate the current situation and the story behind it. Each small stone, mineral, shell, or snail has a symbolic meaning due to its color, shape, and texture. By placing them in the space, you unintentionally map out your situation, revealing what’s happening deep inside. I help you voice unspoken truths, experience suppressed emotions, and, if you’re ready, let go.

The past no longer defines your future—not from here. Once you start on this journey and stick with it, you’ll live as your free, strong, true self—the version of you that you’ve secretly longed for, for so long.



During the free online consultation, we’ll briefly discuss your life situation and decide whether it makes sense to work together. If we both agree, we’ll clarify the framework for our work.



Initial conversation

We’ll discuss the topic you want to focus on. This could be a specific problem, a recurring pattern, or even a difficult life situation.


Building the constellation

We use various objects, such as crystals, stones, and shells, to represent situations and people. This helps you see your family system from a distance and understand the connections.


Resolution and solution

Through new insights, you can gain fresh perspectives and let go of burdens you’ve been carrying. You’ll experience inner relief, which can positively impact your entire life.


What issues can individual family constellation help with?


  • Recurring relationship or family problems
  • Work-related blocks, self-esteem issues
  • Processing painful past events, traumas
  • Releasing transgenerational family patterns and burdens
  • Exploring the root causes of emotional and physical symptoms
What was the point of working together?


Már lassan egy hónapja jártam Trixinél családállításon, és bár sokat szoktam foglalkozni az önismerettel, ez az ülés hatalmas lendületet adott. Teljesen más megvilágításba helyezte azt, hogy bizonyos környezeti hatásokra miért úgy reagálok, ahogy. Úgy érzem, ez az újrakeretezés olyan belső erőket mozgatott meg, melyeknek hosszútávú pozitív eredményei lesznek, de az biztos, hogy rövidtávon már beváltak. Szeretettel tudom ajánlani Trixit, mert teljes odafigyeléssel, gondoskodással kísér végig a belső utazáson.

K. Péter

„Teljesen magamhoz tértem! A közös munka rendet tett bennem! Vagy én magam csináltam a segítséged által :). Nélküled sokkal nehezebb lett volna. Szóval nagyon köszi.”   

K. Tibor

„Azért írok, mert szeretném megköszönni a a közös munkát. Úgy érzem rengeteget segített, és végre elindultam abba az irányba, amerre mindig is vágytam!”

T. Krisztina

Working through the process

Alongside individual family constellations, I also support you in taking action.



breaking free from stagnation and believing once again that your life can change. It may seem unreachable to you now, and maybe you’ve long believed it’s not possible for you. But change isn’t a distant miracle—it’s just two steps away.

Step One: Facing It

Facing the invisible patterns that have been holding you back isn’t easy. Often, it’s impossible to recognize them on your own because the lens through which you perceive the world and yourself is deeply shaped by childhood traumas, old pains, and generational patterns. These patterns unconsciously influence your decisions, emotions, and reactions to your environment.

Together, we uncover these deeply rooted influences. Through realizations, letting go, and inner work, we dissolve the old, limiting patterns and create space for new, supportive energies. This allows you to finally free yourself from the burdens that have been holding you back.

Step Two: Releasing Blocks

Through individual family constellations, systemic constellations, and personal identity work, we release the behavioral and life patterns that have caused your blockages. At this stage, you not only break down the old but also create space for the new. As the blocks dissolve, you’ll be prepared to make different decisions than before.

Step Three: Action

As we work together on how to view your life situation and yourself differently, you’ll start making new decisions. Based on these decisions, we outline specific actions you can take.

As you know, real change doesn’t stop at realization—it needs to be brought into everyday life. Step by step, through tangible actions, you’ll move closer to the life you truly want to live.

How does the process work?

We meet 4-12 times, every two weeks. In each session, we dive deeper into inner work, resolve blocks with individual constellations, and define concrete steps to bring about change. Throughout the process, you’ll receive continuous support, so you don’t have to face the challenges alone.

Amplifying your wise inner voice

Why participate in this program?


Deep transformation

Through the individual consultation process, we uncover the deepest hidden patterns and help dissolve them, allowing you to experience change even in areas that once seemed out of reach.


Personal attention and support

In the program, you are always at the center. All your questions are answered, and you move forward at your own pace.


Conscious action

The process doesn’t stop at realizations—we bring the change into practice, enabling you to achieve real results in your life.


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Reflections in 1-2 minutes



Dare to live, dare to change!


Individual family constellation isn’t just a method—it’s an opportunity to gain deeper understanding of yourself and your family. Discover how you can become freer and live a more fulfilling life! Take the first step and book your individual family constellation today!


True peace begins when we let go of the past and allow ourselves to truly live.