My name is Beatrix Toth
LIFE coach & soft skills trainer
Dare to live?
Dare to change!
Have you ever felt you just need to see a little more clearly to know what direction to take? Or that you are aware you can do more, but you don’t know what’s holding you back? How great it would be to have someone who looks for a solution with you, trusting you and your own answers?
As a coach, I truly believe that although there are many things in the world over which we have no influence, that changing others is „mission impossible” – we can always work on ourselves, we can always grow and transform, in order to take a step towards our dreams and goals. Where are you in this process?
Systemic Constellations
The systemic constellation method can help you in the following situations: self-esteem problems, lack of self-confidence; relationship problems; loneliness and addiction; cultural issues; career problems and conflicts;etc. Even one session can shed light on and transform repetitive, embedded patterns and show a way out of a situation, but it is important to know that the effect can be a longer change, lasting several months.
Life coaching
The first and most common step, as I have experienced, is to find a heartfelt, sincere desire for creating something new- what is your true dream or desire? Do you dare to desire it at all, or do you consider it unattainable? Then, once you find it, we figure out a path that can take you forward to its implementation and also, how to be open to new opportunities in order to achieve your goal. We will prepare a plan and determine the following specific options.
My name is Beatrix Toth
LIFE coach & soft skills trainer
Dare to live?
Dare to change!
Have you ever felt you just need to see a little more clearly to know what direction to take? Or that you are aware you can do more, but you don’t know what’s holding you back? How great it would be to have someone who looks for a solution with you, trusting you and your own answers?
As a coach, I truly believe that although there are many things in the world over which we have no influence, that changing others is „mission impossible” – we can always work on ourselves, we can always grow and transform, in order to take a step towards our dreams and goals. Where are you in this process?
Systemic Constellations
The systemic constellation method can help you in the following situations: self-esteem problems, lack of self-confidence; relationship problems; loneliness and addiction; cultural issues; career problems and conflicts;etc. Even one session can shed light on and transform repetitive, embedded patterns and show a way out of a situation, but it is important to know that the effect can be a longer change, lasting several months.
Life coaching
The first and most common step, as I have experienced, is to find a heartfelt, sincere desire for creating something new- what is your true dream or desire? Do you dare to desire it at all, or do you consider it unattainable? Then, once you find it, we figure out a path that can take you forward to its implementation and also, how to be open to new opportunities in order to achieve your goal. We will prepare a plan and determine the following specific options.
Why with me?
If I look at my studies, basically every certificate and qualification I obtained (be it a coach, facilitator, teacher or communication expert) was closely related to people’s skills development, self knowledge, and learning. Besides, I experienced life as an expat: lived one year in the UK and four wonderful years in Barcelona, so I know very well how it feels to be a foreigner, what difficulties one might face in a foreign environment -sometimes starting a life from scratch.
My passion for languages and cultures is still a defining part of my work to this day: as a language coach, I want to convey the joy of self-expression in a foreign language, and as a life coach and systemic constellation facilitator, I am happy to work not only with Hungarians, but also with Spanish and English-speaking clients. And if I am to mention two more things I am proud of and keep me going, one must be the almost 800 kilometers of the El Camino, and the other is my little son, who never allows me to rest on my laurels:).
2023 – Access Bars Practitioner. (Facilitator: Harsányi Eszter)
2016 – Coach certificate – Systemic resource and solution oriented coaching
2015 –Tarot system approach and the world of its symbols (Facilitator: Góra Edina)
2010 – Hasya Yoga (yogic laughter, Dr.Kataria)
2009 – Spanish C2 language exam – Instituto Cervantes, Barcelona: DELE Superior
2006 – CELTA Diploma – Cambridge University
2005 – Qigong I.– (Facilitator: Góra Edina)
2005 – Prananadi I-II. – (Prana master: Soós Ibolya)
2004 – Kinesiology I.-One brain- (Facilitator: Papp Erzsébet)
2003 – English C1 – ITK Origo
2000-2005 – The art of self-realization: self-knowledge – (Lecturer: dr. Molnár Gábor)
2002 –Master Degree in Communication – University of Szeged
1996 – Master Degree in Social work- University of Pécs
Can you imagine the unimaginable?
Most of us live according to rules and limits we are told to follow: frames of possibilities, schooling, jobhunt, career paths, family, family house, properties and success. We do need to fit in, so we learn to adjust and adapt to the others.
But what if we wish to become more? What if our dreams are not limited to these “milestones”? And what if we do not wish for more because we do not even dare to do so? How many things, beliefs, convictions, regularly heard proverbs are holding us back from real joy, and real life experience? Anyway, what is real life experience?
I met “Access Consciousness”, or Access Bars first about a year ago: I received a Bars treatment as a present for my birthday. I did not suspect at that time that this little present would work out so well and become such an important part of my life. So I had my first treatment and I clearly remember that I was all along in a deeply relaxed state of mind, recalling certain years of my life- which gave me an idea about what I would like to create and change around me- it truly helped me to tap into my own, heartfelt desires or images about my path, to see clearly what direction to take at that point of my life.
There are moments when we feel a bit lost. Or in doubt. We sometimes struggle before making a decision or, we do not make a decision when it is time to do so. And, naturally, there are various ways, methods, treatments that can help us and guide us along the way- access consciousness is just one in a million. But, it is a truly unique, transformative and efficient one.
Individual consultation/Life Coaching 40 EUR (about 70 min)
Systemic Constellation 45 EUR (about 80 min)
Language Coaching 42 EUR (about 90 min)
the paths to your solutions
life coaching
(in person or online)
In Life Coaching sessions it is your task to bring up the topic, and mine is to walk you through a conversation- with my questions- towards your own realizations. The first and most common step, as I have experienced, is to find a heartfelt, sincere desire for creating something new- what is your true dream or desire? Do you dare to desire it at all, or do you consider it unattainable? Then, once you find it, we figure out a path that can take you forward to its implementation and also, how to be open to new opportunities in order to achieve your goal. We will prepare a plan and determine the following specific options.
systemic constellations
(individual, in person)
The Systemic Constellation method was created based on the rules and techniques of family constellations, described and developed by Bert Hellinger. In the individual setting the two of us work on the topic you bring. We discuss what is causing difficulties, where you would like to change, and we „set up” the family, workplace, relationship system relevant to the topic, observing its dynamics and giving the opportunity to move away from the situation through recognition, forgiveness, respect, using, if necessary, healing sentences. The systemic constellation method can help you in the following situations: self-esteem problems, lack of self-confidence; relationship problems; loneliness and addiction; cultural issues; career problems and conflicts;etc. Even one session can shed light on and transform repetitive, embedded patterns and show a way out of a situation, but it is important to know that the effect can be a longer change, lasting several months.
Access Bars
(in person)
Access Bars is a gentle, smooth method. During the treatment we touch 32 points on the head where beliefs, points of view, emotions, and behavioral patterns have been stored throughout our lives. We can struggle with being stuck in many areas, such as money, control, creativity, ageing, time, sexuality, peace, communication. When the points belonging to these areas are touched, you can simply let go of the programs and beliefs that no longer serve you.
Why is it my passion to work with cards or images?
There is a given image and it brings forth innumerable, infinite interpretations – as for every one of us it conveys a different thought or meaning: when we talk about pictures, we reveal ourselves with the help of symbols, colors and shapes. This way , some kind of unique truth unfolds and we are able to create a straightforward and realistic picture of our drives, our situation. Be it a work-related conflict, a desire to find a partner, or problems of self-esteem, tapping into intuition we might be able to take the next step towards a more joyful life and get closer to our more conscious and wiser self.
Where we belong
And this belonging is what shapes us, fosters and educates us and helps us to thrive. Isn’t it just great to feel we are surrounded by like minded people? Isn’t it the best feeling to be...